Our Microcontrollers are state-of-the-art, versatile devices, comprising a fully functional computer, along with a complete I/O processor, Programming Language and EPROM burner - all on a single card. The number of potential applications for these microcontrollers are astronomical. Combined with a wireless modem from Motorola, the new GrackleTrax controller, features data acquisition / control capability along with integrated wireless data transmission via one of the most reliable ground-based, and most economical data transmission services in the world, the ARDIS network. Used by IBM service technicians world-wide, ARDIS is the most inexpensive way to get data from one point to the other. See our page on wireless data telemetry.
Applications using GPS are a wide-open market waiting for new applications to be developed. Fleetrak Inc., is moving into this field with the announcement of a series of prototype development kits designed specifically for the user who wishes to develop special and unique applications, and will offer marketing services for products developed in this area. We have an EXCLUSIVE microprocessor package called that you will not find anywhere else - at ANY price. Mix and match any of the components to suit your needs - select from the components described below to put together a custom application in minimal time.
Contact DEVELOPERS in Fleetrak's GPS Application Development Program.
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The Scorpion TC-01 microcontroller (formerly known as VITRAX ) is now available IN KIT FORM - Parts, circuit board, instructions and user manual are included. See price list.
COMPONENT #Scorpion TC-01: Basic Data Acquisition card. Using a Hitachi-Z-180 / 64180, this small (4.5" x 6.5") device is totally self-contained, and is capable of receiving data from the AIV-10 over one of its serial ports, and simultaneously controlling external devices over its 24 TTL-compatible bi-directional (programable) I/O lines. Data collected can be displayed on an attached LCD screen, saved to memory or written out over the second serial port, or sent as hardcopy to a printer. It also has two variable rate RS-232 serial ports, a parallel port, 10-bit, 8 channel CMOS Digital to Analog converter, 4x4 keypad port, an LCD port with contrast control, and FOUR Hardware Interrupt lines: NMI, INT0, INT1, and INT2. It also has a pulse counter, and a RESET line. Built-in Z-180 BASIC with on-board machine code compiler and EPROM burner. Memory jumperable for 8K or 32K SRAM devices. Mixed floating point and integer math, array and string processing.
With this board you can develop and test your applications in the field and truly on-the-fly. Any ANSI compatible "dumb" terminal, or a notebook computer running PROCOMM (or any other terminal software - DOS, Windows, OS/2 or MAC) can talk to the board at up to 9600 Baud for programming purposes. If you are using an attached PC for programming, you can write the source code with any text editor or word processor you feel comfortable with. When you're done writing or editing, the code is simply uploaded to the microcontroller in much the same manner as uploading a file to a BBS or to an FTP server.
The user has the ability to store any number of machine-code modules, and call them from within BASIC source code with the "CALL" command. Once the source code is written and de-bugged, a single command: "RUN" - from your attached terminal, compiles the code into true machine code and then executes the program. When fully de-bugged, the code can be subsequently written to an on-board EPROM (16K capacity). The board then has the capability of cold-starting and loading the program on power-up or reset, from the EPROM. The card also has an on-board battery-backed Time-Of-Day 10-year calendar/clock - capable of timing intervals from 0.1 seconds to 10 years. Power supply: 5 Volts DC regulated @ 200ma.
EPROM-burning capability on all the TC-xx microcontrollers requires optional Scorpion EB-PS-03 dual voltage regulator kit, and three standard 9 volt transistor radio batteries, or an unregulated 27-30 Volt DC power supply. Order # EB-PS-03 if you will be writing code to EPROMS on the board.
COMPONENT #Scorpion TC-02: Multi-Tasking / Extended Capability Data Acquisition card. Same specifications as Scorpion TC-01 (above), with double (48) the number of TTL-I/O lines, lots more memory capacity (128K), and the ability to multi-task (32 tasks can run concurrently). - Detailed specs are being processed for inclusion here shortly.
COMPONENT # EB-PS-03: Scorpion EPROM burning - dual voltage regulator kit. This regulator board provides regulated 12.5 and 21 Volts DC (selectable) from three 9-Volt transistor radio batteries or a 27-30 VDC unregulated input to provide EPROM burning power to the TC-xx series microcontrolles. The board is supplied as a printed circuit board and a kit of components. Size: 2" x 1.75". case and batteries not included.
INCLUDED: Included in the package is all the software required to get you started. We will also furnish you with technical support, and product packaging, design, and consultation, and program coding at reasonable rates.
When you've developed your application, and it is functional, we would like to hear about it - we will evaluate your idea, and if you enter into a business arrangement with us we will promote it, put it on our web site, apply for patents and copyrights if required, then take it to market. You will benefit by a lion's share of the profits as an incentive to keep developing new products and applications.
These development kits are so inexpensive, they can also be used as a "learning tool", or as a kit for a science project. DON'T BE FOOLED !! - These are, - the most powerful Data Acquisition platform at anywhere the price. The Scorpion TC-1, TC-2, TC-3, and the new Stinger TT-01 boards, and all other kit components are also available separately.
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