What is G.P.S. ?
G.P.S. stands for "Global Positioning System"
It is a network of 24 satellites which orbit the earth,
lauched by NASA, and maintained by the U.S. Air Force. Originally designed
exclusively for military use, the GPS system is now used for civilian navigation
- whether on land, sea or in the air, by people all over the world. The
technology is now available to the general public through the use of inexpensive,
hand-held portable GPS receivers,
and diverse vehicle tracking systems. Know your
position anywhere on the planet. Re-trace your hike, car, boat or plane
trip with a high degree of accuracy. NEVER GET LOST AGAIN !!.
GPS Satellite being launched
Orbit Diagram
GPS SV (Satellite Vehicle)
Used by our troops in Operation Desert Storm to navigate and find their
way accross an expansive, feature-less desert, and by the CRUISE missles
to steer them to their targets, GPS and its many advantages is now affordable
and available to the general public.
"I was never LOST
... but I've been a bit CONFUSED for a few days".
Those words were spoken by Lord Baden Powell of Gilwell - founder of
the Boy Scouts of America. If you own a GPS receiver and know how to use
it, you won't find yourself paraphrasing the above quote.
again !!
G.P.S. receivers are highly accurate, and they work ANYWHERE ON THE
PLANET !!. Each spot on the globe has a unique set of numbers called COORDINATES
- more precicely, Latitude and Longitude coordinates. You need not be a
mathemetician to use GPS, you just need to understand what the system does,
and what to do to make it work for you. Our book is written with this in
mind. We provide enough information in easy-to-comprehend, every day language,
that ANYONE - even if they don't know how to set the clock on their VCR,
can become expert in GPS use with a little study and practice in the field.
Our book is the It is unique!. We
show you how the system works, and then we take you into the field to PROVE
to you that it works, so you can gain confidence in your new skill.
For those of you who might be thinking "I don't go camping or hiking
that much ... how can I justify the expense of the equipment?". - FIRST
of all, GPS receivers are very affordable - see
our order form . SECOND, if you order a receiver through us, we will
send you The MidAtlantic Trailblazer for what it costs to print
it, plus shipping (approximately $15.00 in the continentakl US). THIRD:
You can mount your GPS receiver in your car, and NEVER have to stop to
ask for directions again!. JUST THAT is worth the price, because half of
the time I've stopped to ask for directions, the guy couldn't speak English,
and the other half, the directions given were WRONG. We show you how to
use electronic maps on CD-ROM with a GPS receiver to take you practically
ANYWHERE you want to go. We outline several map programs which allow you
to set a destination by STREET ADDRESS. Punching the coordinates into a
GPS receiver mounted in your car, will take you practically right to the
front door of the person's home or business, anywhere in the United States!!.
You won't waste gas going around in circles, and you won't experience the
frustration of asking SCHMUCKS for directions.
keyword list: GPS G.P.S. Global
Positioning Navigation Hiking Camping Orienteering Adirondack Catskill
Harriman Palisades Pine Barrens Bear Mountain Computers Microprocessor
MicroController Vitrax Multitrax Teletrax Data Acquisition Control Compass
Environment Hunting Conservative Conservation Attention Deficit Disorder
Author Authors Publisher Technical Scientific Hunting Fishing Skiing Snomobiling
Magellan Trimble Garmin Lowrance NAVSTAR HAND HELD PORTABLE Business Opportunity
Ditto Megaditto Mega ditto Lyme Disease Loran LORAN Deep Sea Great Lakes
Bahamas Virgin Islands Dry Tortugas Reefs Fishing Crabbing Coordinates
LORAN TD's LORAN TD's IBM 3890 IBM 3891 IBM 3892 IBM 3890 XP Scorpion Stinger
Digital Voice Voice Synthesis Phone Mail Cellular Cell Phone Video Tape
Video Reproduction Snappy Word Perfect WordPerfect Water Filter Timer Timers
LCD L.C.D. LED L.E.D. PCMCIA PCM-CIA Personal Computers Prototype Rush