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Fleetrak TM is primarily designed as a truck fleet tracking DEVELOPMENT system. However, the capabilities of the syetem when attached to a Stinger VCM device are staggering. Not only can the system track vehicles, but it also provides the option and capability of controlling their operation remotely through a standard cell phone. Since the system is not "real time", no satellite use fees, or other on-going expenses are incurred once the equipment is initially purchased.
A practical turn-key small fleet vehicle tracking system. Based on our exclusive Scorpion TC-01 / Vitrax microcontroller . The vehicle component, no larger than a standard 8-1/2 x 11" notebook folder, will be able to track a vehicle’s position and route, storing the information on non-volatile S-RAM cards. The capacity to store data will be limited only by the memory size of the S-RAM card installed in the unit, and how often a position sample is taken. Position and GPS timestamp information is recorded on the inserted card for later retrieval by computer at the dispatch station. The vehicle’s route can then be “played back” on a number of GPS - aware software programs.
The development system will come with the hardware and software required to get your system online fast. In fact, with our system, you will be able to impliment basic vehicle tracking as soon as the vehicle units are installed. Fleetrak doesn't even require a separate computer - the software will run on your existing PC, or you can dedicate one to the application if you wish. Since the entire system is open-architechture based, you can even develop your own custom applications in-house, without the need to hire a full-time programmer. We supply all the tools you need to customize the syetem to your requirements, including the development software. If you need to add special applications in the future, you can do it yourself (requires programming in BASIC) or you can contract us to do it. If you need assistance, our expert programmers are just a phone call away. Fleetrak TM has the capability to be extended beyond just a vehicle tracking system, however. You can hook up thermal sensors to the on board A/D converter to monitor reefer temperatures, oil pressure, engine temperature, outside temperature, battery voltages, etc. In fact, you can hook up any type of sensor you wish including accelerometers to measure G-forces for delicate cargo, or any vital vehicle information that can be measured. Attached to the vehicle's ignition system, the controller can be made to act as a vehicle security system to prevent theft, and with a Stinger VCM / CELL phone attached, the unit can be made to originate a 911 call to police for assistance, or to the dispatcher if it wanders from a pre-established course, or out of a pre-determined geographic location. Also, with VCM / CELL connection, the unit can be made to answer incoming CELL calls and respond vocally to a query entered by the operator at the other end. You could call your trucks at any time, and get any and all the information it is programmed to deliver, in a real human (not synthesized) voice. Since this is not a "real time" system, your business won't be saddled with astronomical monthly satellite usage fees. The only "fees" you will incur after the system is in place are the toll charges for any of the CELLULAR phone calls made to or from your units. You can use any CELL phone system you wish. Since the calls are VOICE-based, there is no complicated "decoding" equipment required at the dispatcher's end.
Vehicle (Mobile) Basic System: TRACK LOGGING / TIMESTAMP ONLY - Microcontroller, GPS engine, GPS antenna, S-RAM card drive. Includes software for logging position and time to S-RAM card - S-RAM cards available in various capacities - not included in the base price.
Target Price: $ 600 or less per vehicle, with discounts for quantity.
S-RAM cards available separately at moderate additional cost. Choose the capacity to suit your needs.
The restrictions can come in the form of warning beeps through an attached sounder, or as spoken warnings with the Stinger VCM attached. In addition, the controller can be made to disable vehicle’s ignition, lock the doors, or perform any function capable of being done by attached equipment.
With the Stinger
VCM module attached, the unit can be made to give the driver SPOKEN
directions to follow, and / or restrict the vehicle as above. This would
be useful in the armored car business - the driver need not know the route
he is to follow until he actually gets behind the wheel and inserts the
S-RAM card programmed with his assigned route.
Attached to a standard
CELL phone equipped with an RJ-11 jack, and interface, Fleetrak TM
equipped with Stinger VCM , will
be able to call dispatcher, police, or any designated phone to pass information
in a spoken voice. In addition, the unit can answer a call and pass along
positioning information, or any information that can be sensed by the controller
as spoken information over the CELLULAR telephone connection.
In a "real-time" system,
data is sent via satellite to a special RF modem attached to your PC. The
data stream can be captured and archived for later use, or it can be used
to update "real-time" moving map tracking of your vehicles. This type of
system requires satellite datalink account, and incurrs "air time" or "message
unit" charges billed by the carrier.
HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIO #1 : Let us say that you are the proud owner of a brand new Jeep Grand Cherokee (could be any other vehicle). Your 17 year old son asks to borrow the car to go to his friend's house. When he doesn't arrive home on time, you pick up your telephone and dial the CEL phone in the car. After several rings the Stinger VCM picks up and asks for your password - you punch in 4 4 6 7 * on the keypad, and the Stinger responds with "Location Latitude 074 09 08 Longitude 45 08 54 Ignition off, not in motion ... Enter command ....". When you get the coordinates, you go to your computer and enter them into a CD-Rom based map program such as Precision Mapping . You now know that the vehicle is located on the other side of town, in an area you specifically told your son is OFF LIMITS. Just to be sure, you query the vehicle again, and get the same coordinates - you know the vehicle is NOT in motion. From the list of available commands, you choose the code that disables the ignition. When your son returns to the vehicle, he can't start it, and has to call you to come pick him up. When he gets home, he has a bit of explaining to do.
HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIO #2 : You're shopping at the mall and when you return to the parking lot, you find that your vehicle is not where you left it. You go to the nearest pay phone and punch up the car's cell phone. Again, Stinger VCM answers with the password prompt. In response you you punch in 4 4 6 7 * and get the coordinates with the added "vehicle is in motion speed 45 miles-per-hour .... Enter command ....". At this point, you enter the command to disable ignition with 20 second warning. The driver is then issued VERBAL commands from the Stinger VCM, to pull over and shut off the ignition. At the end of 20 seconds, the Scorpion TC-xx controller initiates a series of steps to insure the vehicle is brought to a halt safely. This may include the gradual application of brakes, cutting off the flow of fuel (or intermittently pulsing the fuel pump), interfacing with the ignition computer to turn off firing of one cylinder at a time, until ignition is disabled. An additional series of events can be programmed so that the Stinger VCM originates a cell phone call to the police, and gives a SPOKEN stolen vehicle location report. The police, given the coordinates of the now disabled vehicle, will be able to find it easily - even if their police cars are NOT equipped with the expensive traditional radio-triangulation equipment (Lo-Jack TM ).